[St. Gabriel Parish News] St. Gabriel Parish News

News from St. Gabriel Parish parishnews at lists.saintgabriel.net
Fri May 29 09:22:57 PDT 2020

[St. Gabriel the Archangel]<http://www.saintgabriel.net/>

Saint Gabriel the Archangel Parish
May 29 2020   (See this weekend's Bulletin<https://www.saintgabriel.net/parish-info/bulletins/send/2-bulletins/2810-may-31-2020>)
Outdoor Mass with Communion Distribution - Sunday - 10:30am (Outdoors). No sign up required. English.

*         Parking will be directed
Please come early, enter from the Research Pkwy entrance and parking attendants will guide you

*         Please remain in your vehicles

*         For your safety and others, keep your windows closed or wear a mask

*         Tune your FM radio to 88.9 (radio will have a welcome message and music).

*         Parking attendants will direct you to your Communion station.
In the event the weather prevents us celebrating Mass outside in a dignified way, Masses will be canceled. Notifications will be available through Flocknote, MyParish app, Facebook and our website at www.saintgabriel.net.<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.saintgabriel.net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1zeEx3IZyp6V8Ydh4wpInskOokgY_vE6scrMtZPWCu23AMfJPjkAsMnNo&h=AT2FGpKd25zMsEUiAknjCuiyLXLhwpyKOzdZ8LR3zeZOFlhhiE6pOp9PU2wcYyBX1hCYtrCcOxqq9Z6KnzZPYDRDVvUuKLCe62GQH-r9R9gcirt07JAQo2c_uBrnN2D0y6gf_xg9--kTFxnz2LPhIJl6fancN_XhN6_zZh28lVskRM-QCBDXedfodpGgH0CYOOUK6cBNrJLSZmZotjhWuDp8MkfrPiE8A4D_MRiH7aqmeHSqXrKG3mcxT7ohlghsWDynM2QBBUjpCb8SykXHMpTM91jqUBY9l5wZkcUCXp2PwgRxlYhx2jiVcm8NOwdp9mBrfAH7HkhCFBj1ItoBtpy9p6EecNvKYP3vBn7wKoFbYPP-b5mBhD4ztp85A2q2ov_TAYDthAY9MmyXH8y2bKPpLVy39EcQRey7p0pTViMeVm53wRHhOqqxzxtQpTVAfU3Ga61DlcwSAjwtFqCk3lW-PlK6O7a3z_ouqCWwJR_eBIJDB9f5xG9tIkSBEzEGY0FiFe7p4-WVdW0yupihKuN7--rE8uaHIqle4xjWsnbz7MQFkaA7BQ2aMM0DJv1_jqo_NZ7Q9mmHEdKlF7390ZTVHv6mvAB33C4_mZmGv7J-Zqy0XAj2pGPlPz2X6rkCcw>
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English Mass Times (Sign Up Required)
Tues. 6pm - Wed. 8am - Thurs. 6pm - Fri. 8am - Sat. 4pm - Sunday 8am
10:30am Outdoors - Requires no sign up.
Confessions after daily Mass times and Sat. 2:30 - 3:30pm.
English Mass - Sign Up (Click Here)<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mass-rsvp-english-tickets-105181783546>
[A person standing in front of a mirror posing for the camera  Description automatically generated]
Spanish Mass Times (Sign Up Required)
Mon. 7pm - Wed. 7pm - Fri. 7pm - Sat. 7pm - Sun. 1pm
Confessions 30 min. prior to Mass times.

Spanish Mass - Sign UP (Click Here)<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mass-rsvp-spanish-tickets-105417839596>
Sunday Mass will continue to be available online on Sunday after 11:00am (English or Spanish)
Offertory Donations: Your continued offertory support can be mailed, dropped off in the church mailbox, or use our online portal. Online Giving<https://giving.parishsoft.com/app/giving/stg8755101>
Adoration - Wednesday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

>From 5:00 to 6:00PM there will be Rosary, Evening Prayer, and Benediction. We are limited to 20 people in the nave at any one time. Please only sign up for one time slot per week in order to allow more people to participate. Please continue to check the sign up and if there are still open slots an hour before you would like to attend, you may add a second hour. Slots are NOT reserved for you on an ongoing basis; you need to sign up for Adoration each week until the end of May. A new link will be shared in June if we need to continue the current restrictions.

Please include each individual (including babies and children) in your family as part of your total count. If you are sick or someone in your household is sick, or if you are at risk or a caregiver for someone at risk, please DO NOT COME. Please arrive on time as you will not be able to stay past your time slot.

We will make every effort to take appropriate precautions, including increased cleaning, but parishioners should understand there is an assumed risk anytime you enter a public space.

If you cannot attend the Adoration time you signed up for, please cancel your ticket to allow someone else to attend.
Adoration-Sign Up (Click Here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/st-gabriel-adoration-of-the-blessed-sacrament-tickets-105431931746>)
Clergy and Staff Availability
Parish staff are available Monday - Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm. 719-528-8407 Office Clergy and Staff Contact Info<http://www.saintgabriel.net/parish-info/staff-directory> Please wear face mask and adhere to social distancing of 6ft when visiting the church.
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Please remember our neighbors in need
Gabriel Gifts Food Pantry Collection for Mercy's Gate May 30
As we return to or regular monthly collection, food pantry demand remains high. Mercy's Gate is providing food to an unprecedented number of families and the shelves need to be stocked.
We ask that you continue to follow social distancing guidelines when you drop off your donation. The Knights of Columbus will have their trailer in the usual place near the curb. Please drive in the roundabout and leave your donation on the curb. It will be picked up and put in the trailer for delivery to Mercy's Gate.
Collection time is from 3:30-5:00 pm on Saturday, May 30. Please do not bring your donations early and place them in the narthex.
While all donations are welcome, the following items are in critically short supply: boxed meals (Hamburger Helper, etc.), canned dinners (ravioli, stews, etc.), Ramen, shelf-stable milk, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste.
If you prefer, you can make a cash donation online
Mercy's Gate purchases food from Care and Share for pennies on the dollar, so your cash donations go a long way to fill the food pantry shelves. Donate online to Mercy's Gate on the St Gabriel's online giving portal.
Direct Link to Online Giving - just click the Mercy's Gate fund Mercy's Gate.
Thank you! Your generosity is helping many of our neighbors!
This year on Saturday, June 6th, Life Network will be hosting the first ever VIRTUAL Walk for Life! Given our current public health guidance, we will be celebrating the value of human life city-wide as we walk in our own neighborhoods. There will also be a special live-stream event that Saturday to bring us all together virtually.
Click on this link to donate or join the team and register as a walker.  http://www.fundeasy.com/m/4914998/  or contact Angel McGrady, St. Gabriel Respect Life Coordinator at admcgrady at gmail.com<mailto:admcgrady at gmail.com>
The Walk for Life is a simple way for people of all ages to get involved by actively demonstrating support for the value of human life - and a desire to make a difference in the lives of women, men, students and babies in our community. By raising funds and walking yourself or sponsoring another walker for the Walk for Life, you are directly helping the ministry of Life Network advance its mission to cultivate a community that values life through the love of Christ.

How does the Walk for Life help our community?
The funds raised from this year's Walk for Life will help continue life-affirming programs that make a difference in the lives of over 15,000 individuals within our community by providing FREE services, that include:
- Pregnancy  tests & options counsel
- Ultrasounds
- STD testing
- Baby & maternity clothing
- Parenting education & classes
- Emergency baby supplies
- Post-abortion recovery groups
- Education on sexual integrity and risk-avoidance
- Teen suicide prevention & awareness
 The Screwtape Letters for High School Students
CS Lewis may be best known for his fantasy work The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe but he also had formidable works that made significant contributions to Christian spirituality and living.  One such book is entitled The Screwtape Letters.  This book is written in conversational style and describes the teachings of a senior devil to his apprentice, Wormwood.  In it Wormwood is instructed how to tempt and lead humans away from God from their youth right up to old age.  Here are some conversational excerpts...
All High School students are invited to join a study The Screwtape Letters this summer.  If you are interested in joining the study, please contact Stephanie Bland, sbland at saintgabriel.net<mailto:sbland at saintgabriel.net> or call 528-8407 no later than June 5th.

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