[St. Gabriel Parish News] St. Gabriel Parish News

News from St. Gabriel Parish parishnews at lists.saintgabriel.net
Fri Mar 19 10:28:28 PDT 2021

[St. Gabriel the Archangel]<http://www.saintgabriel.net/>

Saint Gabriel the Archangel Parish
March 19, 2021   (See this weekend's Bulletin<https://www.saintgabriel.net/parish-info/bulletins/send/2-bulletins/3480-march-21-2021>)
Lenten Schedule
Stations of the Cross Tonight Followed by St. Joseph Feast
Stations will be held each Friday of Lent at 6pm followed by a Soup Supper.
Mar 19: Stations followed by St. Joseph Feast.
Mar 26: Station followed by soup supper.
Apr 2: Spanish Stations of the Cross
Extended Confession Times
March 27th 1:30-3:30pm.
The Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This solemnity falls on Friday, March 19 each year. In this year dedicated to St. Joseph, we will offer Stations of the Cross at 6:00 PM, followed by the Consecration to St. Joseph for those participating in the parish book study, and finally, a FEAST in our new Parish Hall. It is a traditional Sicilian custom to offer a St. Joseph's Table, a table overflowing with good food honoring St. Joseph, and to share our blessings with the poor. The feast of San Giuseppe began in the Middle Ages when Sicily was suffering from a severe drought and the desperate people begged St. Joseph for rain. When they received rainy weather in response, they held a huge "feste" in Saint Joseph's honor. We hope you can join us for the festivities! If you can't, plan a smaller affair with your own family, complete with prayers to St. Joseph, a little procession with candles for the older children and your favorite hymns, and then the father of the family ought to say a special blessing over the food before you begin. If you would like to help us organize this table for St. Joseph, or the feast that follows, please contact Dcn Mike McGrady in the parish office.

Mask Mandate

Effective July 17, 2020, all Colorado residents over the age of 10 are required to wear masks indoors. Please make sure to bring a mask with you when you come to the church building.


Mass Schedule

                   English Schedule

*         Daily Mass 7:30am Tuesday - Friday; Daily Confessions - following the 7:30am Mass. Reservation for Mass is no longer required for Daily Mass.

*         Wednesday Adoration 8am-6pm; Rosary, Evening Prayer, Benediction begins at 5pm.

*         First Friday Adoration 8am-12pm.

*         Saturday Mass 4pm; Saturday Confessions 2:30-3:30pm.

*         Sunday Masses 8:00am and 10:00am-both in the Nave.

    Spanish Schedule

*         Wednesday Spanish Mass 7pm; Confession before Mass at 6:30pm.

*         Saturday Spanish Mass 7pm; Confessions before Mass at 6:30pm.

*         Sunday Spanish Mass 1:00pm; Confession before Mass at 12:30pm.

*         Spanish Holy Hour 2nd Thursday of the Month-7pm.

No daily Mass sign ups on Eventbrite - You will still need to sign in on the sign in sheet with name and telephone number.

Eventbrite sign up still needed for weekend Masses only. English Mass - Sign Up (Click Here)<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mass-rsvp-english-tickets-105181783546>  or Spanish Mass - Sign UP (Click Here)<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mass-rsvp-spanish-tickets-105417839596>

Sunday Mass will continue to be available online on Sunday after 10:00am (English or Spanish)


Offertory Donations: Your continued offertory support can be mailed, dropped off in the church mailbox, or use our online portal. Online Giving<https://giving.parishsoft.com/app/giving/stg8755101>


Easter and Holy Week Schedule

*Holy Thursday, April 1: Masses at 5:30pm in English and 7pm in Spanish.

*Good Friday, April 2: Service at 3pm.

*Easter Vigil, April 3: Mass at 8:30pm combined English and Spanish.

*Easter Sunday, April 4: Masses at 7am and 9am in English and 11am in Spanish.

*Holy Thursday/Good Friday Adoration, April 1-2: Adoration begins at 7pm on April 1 and will end at 2pm on April 2. Sign up for 1hr increments.

To sign up for Easter and Holy Week events, go to www.saintgabriel.net<http://www.saintgabriel.net>.


Open House
The weekend of March 20-21 there will be an open house for the new addition. There will be opportunities to explore the new facility and ask questions from different department representatives. Knights of Columbus, Hospitality Committee, and Daughters of Mary will be helping with refreshments. The schedule is as follows:
*Parishioners attending the March 20th 4pm Mass are invited to stay after Mass and those parishioners attending the March 20th 7pm Mass are invited to come before Mass to attend the open house from 5-6pm.
*Parishioners attending the March 21 8am are invited to stay after Mass to attend the open house from 9-10am.
*Parishioners attending the March 21st 10am Mass are invited to stay after Mass and those parishioners attending the 1pm Mass are invited to come before Mass to attend the open house from 11am-12pm.
 Bishop Sheridan will be presiding at the 10am Mass on March 21. Bishop will bless the doors of the new facility after Mass.
On Sunday, March 21, Bishop Sheridan will celebrate Mass and bless the new Adoration Chapel & Stations of the Cross.  He will expose a collection of relics, which will remain in permanent residence in the new adoration chapel:
1.   Relic of the House of Loretto                                  7.   Saint Anthony Mary Claret
2.   Saint Joachim                                                           8.   Saint Maria Goretti
3.   Saint Anne                                                                9.   Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
4.   Saint Pius X                                                             10.  The Blessed Virgin's Veil
5.   Padre Pio                                                                 11.  True Cross
6.   Saint Mother Teresa                                                12.  A fragment of the Shroud
The word relic comes from the Latin relinquo, meaning I leave, or I abandon.  A relic is a piece of the body of a saint, an item owned or used by the saint, or an object which has been touched to the tomb of a saint.  The veneration of relics in an ancient tradition that dates to the New Testament.  Consider the story of the woman suffering hemorrhages for twelve years who came up behind Jesus and touched the tassel on his cloak.  She said to herself, "If only I can touch his cloak, I shall be cured" (Matt 9:20-21).
  Venerating relics is a beautiful practice that brings us close to those who walked before us in faith.  They "ran the race" and reached the end goal of Heaven.  Seeing relics inspires us to strive for holiness.  Someone venerating a relic can simply stand near the relic in a prayerful attitude, raising one's heart and mind to God and invoking the intercession of the saint.  Other acceptable gestures include signing oneself with the sign of the cross or kneeling in front of the relic in prayer.  The Church recommends an exterior gesture that fits the occasion and corresponds to a person's interior disposition.  Whatever gesture a person chooses to use to venerate a relic, it must not be done out of superstition, but out of love for the saint and for God.  Think of the practice in a similar way to someone who takes out a photograph of a beloved family member and kisses it every time he or she puts it back. The gesture is a sign of love for that person and contains no hint of superstition.
  There are three classes of sacred relics.  The first-class is a part of the saint's body.  The second-class is a piece of the saint's clothing or something used by the saint, while the third-class is an object which has been touched to a first-class relic.
  Paragraph 1190 of the Code of Canon Law states that it is absolutely forbidden to sell sacred relics.  Relics of great significance and other relics honored with great reverence by the people cannot be alienated validly in any manner or transferred permanently without the permission of the Apostolic See.  Our parish has received permission from the Apostolic See to display these relics.
Knights of Columbus Burrito Sale
Knights of Columbus Breakfast Burrito Donation weekend of 27-28 March after 4pm, 8am and 10am Masses. We are reaching out to the parish to try and bring additional breakfast options to members in addition to our hosting Sunday breakfasts (coming soon). We will have two breakfast burrito options: one that includes eggs, chorizo sausage, hash browns, and cheese. The second option will only have, eggs, hash browns and cheese.  Suggested donation is 1 burrito $3 or 2 for $5. We are preparing 500 burritos so should have plenty to go around as we sold out early last time.  They are precooked and ready for reheating at your home or can be frozen to serve at a later time. Questions or comments please contact Michael Tennermann, Grand Knight Council 12335, mtennermann at hotmail.com<mailto:mtennermann at hotmail.com>, 719-640-2813.
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration in the new Adoration Chapel will be starting April 12th. Adoration will be Monday through Friday from 8am-9pm. Visit www.saintgabriel.net<http://www.saintgabriel.net> to sign up for an hour or two. Select the Adoration Pro link from the St. Gabriel website. You can find out more information and sign up for Adoration at the table in the Narthex after Masses this weekend.
Family Game Night
Families, are you ready to put down the digital screens and come out of quarantine? Then come join us at St. Gabriel in the parish hall on April 9th from 6:30pm-8:30pm! Family games will range from 6 years of age and up. Teen game tables will be available for more advanced players. No Childcare available.
Divine Mercy Sunday
The second Sunday of Easter is remembered as the Sunday of Divine Mercy.  St Gabriel will celebrate this feast day with a Holy Hour for Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 11 at 3pm.  Confessions will begin at 1:00pm. Please come and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and adore our Lord as we reflect on God's Divine Mercy.
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