[St. Gabriel Parish News] St. Gabriel Parish News

News from St. Gabriel Parish parishnews at lists.saintgabriel.net
Wed Dec 23 09:14:54 PST 2020

[St. Gabriel the Archangel]<http://www.saintgabriel.net/>

Saint Gabriel the Archangel Parish
December 23 2020   (See this weekend's Bulletin<https://www.saintgabriel.net/parish-info/bulletins/send/2-bulletins/3257-december-27-2020>)
Family Consecration to the Holy Family - Dec 26/27
Family Consecration will take place at all Masses on the weekend of Dec 26 & 27
How to Prepare:  In preparation to the Holy Family, your family should not only decide to dedicate itself to the Holy Family's intersession but also acknowledge that the family is sacred.  The decision to consecrate your family needs to be intentional and a process through which you completely surrender to God through the Holy Family.  You are accepting the truth that salvation history was changed forever by a family and that through your domestic church, you are called to live their example.
Four suggested steps before praying the consecration to the Holy Family:
1 Discuss the importance of this consecration as a family and why you are doing it.
2 Each member of your family is strongly encouraged to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
3 As a family, intentionally choose something to fast from.  The fast can be for at least a week.  As our physical bodies are drawn to things of the world, it is strongly encourage that you fast from something that would normally do or consume.  Fasting helps to disciple our minds and hearts to refrain from secular activities and be more focused on God.
4 Prepare for the commitment you are making. Consecration to the Holy Family is not a single event.  You have chosen a way of life for your family.  You and your family are consciously choosing to be a beacon of light God's love through His Church.
Christmas Masses- Our new Parish Hall will be available for Christmas Masses, allowing us to add additional seating at all Mass times.  Please sign up for Mass as soon as possible and if you cannot attend please cancel your reservation to make room for others.  If you have any questions about your reservation, please call the office at 528-8407.  We ask that you do not make reservations at multiple Mass times.  Thank you!
-Sign up is required.
-Due to limited seating, we ask that you sign up for Mass early.
-Due to the number of people attending Christmas Masses, you may not be seated in the Nave.
-If you cannot attend a Mass you signed up for, please cancel your ticket to allow someone else to attend. If you need help canceling your order, please call the office 719-528-8407.
-If you are sick or someone in your household is sick, or if you are at risk or a caregiver for someone at risk, please DO NOT COME.
-Masks are required. -Everyone continues to be dispensed from their obligation to attend Mass until further notice.
-The 4pm English and 6pm Spanish Mass will be recorded and available to watch from home.
Christmas Mass - English
December 24 4:00pm and 8:00pm,
December 25 12:00am(Midnight), 8am, and 12:00pm(Noon) ***Please note there is a 12AM and a 12PM Mass when signing up***
Christmas Mass - Spanish
December 24 6:00pm
December 25 10:00am

Mask Mandate

Effective July 17, 2020, all Colorado residents over the age of 10 are required to wear masks indoors. Please make sure to bring a mask with you when you come to the church building.


Mass Schedule

                   English Schedule

*         Daily Mass 7:30am Tuesday - Friday; Daily Confessions - following the 7:30am Mass. Reservation for Mass is no longer required for Daily Mass.

*         Wednesday Adoration 8am-6pm; Rosary, Evening Prayer, Benediction begins at 5pm.

*         First Friday Adoration 8am-12pm.

*         Saturday Mass 4pm; Saturday Confessions 2:30-3:30pm.

*         Sunday Masses 8:00am and 10:00am-both in the Nave.

    Spanish Schedule

*         Wednesday Spanish Mass 7pm; Confession before Mass at 6:30pm.

*         Saturday Spanish Mass 7pm; Confessions before Mass at 6:30pm.

*         Sunday Spanish Mass 1:00pm; Confession before Mass at 12:30pm.

*         Spanish Holy Hour 2nd Thursday of the Month-7pm.

No daily Mass sign ups on Eventbrite - You will still need to sign in on the sign in sheet with name and telephone number.

Eventbrite sign up still needed for weekend Masses only. English Mass - Sign Up (Click Here)<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mass-rsvp-english-tickets-105181783546>  or Spanish Mass - Sign UP (Click Here)<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mass-rsvp-spanish-tickets-105417839596>

Sunday Mass will continue to be available online on Sunday after 10:00am (English or Spanish)


Offertory Donations: Your continued offertory support can be mailed, dropped off in the church mailbox, or use our online portal. Online Giving<https://giving.parishsoft.com/app/giving/stg8755101>

Boy Scout Troop 246 Annual Christmas Tree Recycling Fundraiser
*We pick-up on Saturdays: Dec 26th, Jan 2nd, 9th, and 16th
*Leave trees at curb by 8:00 am
*Schedule a tree pickup by: 1-Calling 719-357-7407 2-Sending an email to RecycleTrees at bsatroop246.org<mailto:RecycleTrees at bsatroop246.org> 3-Visiting our website: http://www.bsatroop246.org/ * Suggested donation is: $15 for postal zip codes 80918, 80920, 80923 and 80924; and $20 for postal zip codes 80917, 80919, 80921 and 80922. Please attach check made out to 'BSA Troop 246' or visit our website for credit card / PayPal donations.
Epiphany Water Blessing
All are invited to attend and witness our parish Epiphany Water Blessing. The blessing will take place on January 2nd at 12:30pm.
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